Chia Coffee Pudding

Looking for a healthy pudding, with a little bit of a caffeine kick as well? This great little recipe uses chia seeds as the thickener, which means that not only is this recipe healthy but is packed full of protein and fibre.

Don’t forget all of those Omega 3 fats, which are great for heart health and brain. Also antioxidant-rich, plus iron and calcium. What does this all add up to? An energising and delicious breakfast to enjoy with some fresh fruit or a tasty dessert!

Serves 4


1 cup brewed or instant black coffee, decaf if desired

2 tbsp Stevia

1 vanilla bean

1 cup extra light creamed cheese, softened

8 tablespoons of white or black chia seeds


1: In a mixing bowl, combine stevia with lukewarm brewed coffee and stir until dissolved.

2: Scrape contents of vanilla bean and add to the bowl

3: Add remaining ingredients and stir until well combined

4: Divide into 4 small serving dishes, and then refrigerate overnight. Pudding will thicken ready for the morning or next day.

5: Enjoy!


Cal        kJ        Fat       Sat fat     Carbs     Sugar     Protein

162       676      8.7        2.4           6.2          3.1          9.9