Food processor… or time saving extraordinaire?

Untitled design (10)If you have one of these stashed away on a shelf somewhere, it’s time to get it out, because these tips are going to make being healthy also super quick!


Cooking a hot breakfast with tomato, mushroom, spinach, onion, is a great way to boost your veggie intake… but who has time to cook in the mornings? Instead, adding vegetables to a smoothies is a much quicker option!

Carrot, celery, spinach, kale, avocado, and tomato are all great options, and if you use a piece of fruit (or ½ glass fruit juice) then the natural sweetness can help make it a little more palatable if you aren’t a keen vegetable lover.


Cook up leftover vegetables, use healthy vegetable stock, and your favourite herbs and spices, and blend it all together for a nutritious and quick meat free meal for when you are looking for something a little lighter (like maybe after the weekend?).


Fruit salad, vegetables for stir fries, adding to pasta sauces, casseroles, or salads. A quick couple of pulses will give a rough chop, then just throw it all into your cooking. No chopping boards.


Healthy hummus, avocado dips, cucumber dips. There are plenty of amazingly tasty and healthy dips to use with vegetable sticks to get a double dose of nutrition for your mid meal snacks.

Healthy “breadcrumbs”

If you want a healthier version of breadcrumbs to use as coating on meat, chicken, fish for baking or grilling, throwing almond meal, nuts, coconut, spelt, oats, LSA, chia seeds…the possibilities are endless.

Meatballs or burger patties

Store-bought versions are often made using high fat or lower quality meats. Use your food processor to blend together high quality lean protein, egg, onion, carrot, tofu, or legumes, with plenty of fresh herbs and tasty spices. Less sodium as another added benefit of making your own versions.

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