Ten Health Tips to Help Lower Your Blood Pressure 

High blood pressure may not seem all that threatening in itself but has been shown to increase the risks of developing heart disease or triggering events such as such as heart attack, stroke, aneurysms, or kidney failure. Conventional treatment options often include medication or but there are many lifestyle changes you can make to lower your blood pressure as well…

Exercise regularly 

At least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week can help you lower blood pressure, and delay the progression into more severe stages of hypertension. Consistency is key and making physical activity part of your everyday life in some way or another. You can do strength workouts, as well as aerobic/cardiovascular exercises like walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or calisthenics.

Use herbs 

Some herbs are thought to be helpful in managing blood pressure. Flavourful garlic may help expand blood vessels, and help which may prevent blood clots. Cinnamon has also been found to help consumers lower their blood pressure.  The use of herbs in cooking can also be helpful for the following tip…

Try the DASH diet 

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is a healthy eating plan that helps manage blood pressure and focuses on balanced nutrition and foods low in saturated fat. Meals are generous in fiber-rich vegetables along with a small amount of protein. The diet includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy products. The plan consists of three meals and two or three snacks. 

Cut salt and Eat bananas 

Another source of high blood pressure is some individuals is salt intake. Many people get in a lot of sodium through consumption of processed foods.  It is recommended that people with hypertension should limit their salt intake to less than 1,500 milligrams a day. The use of potassium can in fact counteract some of the negative effects of sodium. Some foods that are rich in potassium are bananas, baked potato with skin on, orange juice, and low or nonfat yogurt.     

Cut back on alcohol

If you have hypertension, drinking more than recommended amounts of alcohol can increase your blood pressure. Generally, the limitations are one drink a day for a woman and two drinks a day if you are a man.  

Quit smoking 

Smoking is dangerous for your health in general, which has been well established. Due to addictive effects of smoking, it is quite hard for smokers to quit despite knowing this. There are many methods that may help you stop smoking such as nicotine gum, smoking cessation medication, and even alternative therapies such as acupuncture have been reported to be helpful.  

Cut back on caffeine 

Are you a coffee addict?  Caffeine results in short-term spikes in blood pressure, even in people without hypertension. It can increase the level of blood pressure by as much as 10 mm Hg, especially for someone who rarely consumes it. If you have hypertension/high blood pressure, it is a good idea to control your intake of caffeine to two cups of coffee a day.

Reduce your stress 

Stress is one of the important factors that contribute to high blood pressure. Stress often leads to eating unhealthy food, drinking alcohol, or smoking. Finding effective stress management techniques that work for you is key. Meditation, breathing, and visualization techniques have also been used as an effective tool to relieve stress for many people. 

Monitor your blood pressure at home  

To make sure you maintain your lifestyle changes and are aware of any changes indicating the potential for health complications, home monitoring can help you keep track on your blood pressure. Blood pressure monitors are available without prescription almost everywhere. If you can’t manage this, at the very minimus regular checkups with your doctor is essential to maintain your blood pressure whether you have high or normal blood pressure.   

Find support 

Encouragement from family and friends can help improve your health emotionally and physically. They can encourage you to start and maintain healthy lifestyle changes. Joining a support group can also boost your morale and give you tips and hints to manage your condition.