Deb Wall

One of the reasons I decided to attend this retreat is because it was something I really didn’t want to do. Therefore, conversely, that became an even greater imperative why I should do it. I was an office-chair potato. The OnTrack retreat truly was life changing. I’ve returned home after two weeks confident in my ability to take control of my health, fitness and eating. My focus has changed from food being a reward, comfort, distraction or whatever reason I previously may have over-indulged, to thinking of food, water and exercise as fuel – a powerful way to recharge my body’s energy, vibrancy and abundant good health. I feel fitter, stronger and leaner and am confident my fitness will go from strength to strength and weight loss will follow naturally in its wake. I didn’t enjoy exercise, but now I know I can do things I previously would not have attempted. I feel it’s entirely possible exercise will become an integral part of my day.